
Thursday, 14 October 2010


            According to the definition from the internet (, architecture is defined as the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of furnishings and decorations, supervision of construction work, and the examination, restoration, or remodeling of existing buildings. However, is this really what architecture is?

            Architecture is something very subjective. No words can truly define architecture. Architecture may be the combination of arts and science of buildings but is that just it? A production of a computer may combine arts and science, is that architecture? A construction of a typical housing lot may require the contribution of architects but it that really architecture? What exactly is architecture? In our opinion, architecture is something abstract that can be only expressed through our feelings from our heart. Architecture is the symbolism of one’s enthusiasm, hopes and dreams. It is something that is dealing with our thoughts, our emotions and our personalities. Architecture is architecture when u can feel with your heart and able to bring colours and difference to your life.

            What difference can we make? And how? Through unity? Through oneness? Or through love and faith? We must have infinite faith in each other. We must unite to make a difference. We must bring love and care into present world of misery. We, for a start can design sustainable buildings and promote green township. Instead of focusing on materialism and destructive development, we must put in our effort to serve the world and the people.
 “For everything we have missed, we have gained something else, and for everything we gain, we lose something else.”
For the money we have gained, we lost the wonders of our nature, we lost humanity, and we lost everything, is that worth it? It’s time to change. We have to shift our mind and unite. As boundaries diffuse in this ever-shrinking world, unity plays a very important role. Only when we unite spiritually and morally, then can we truly cope with the challenges we will face.
            We, the future architects believe that we can make a difference. We are the ones we are waiting for. Our dreams will one day be fulfilled. This is the ultimate reason that we are present here.

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